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DISPLAY Technologies
Emerging Device & Advanced Photonics
Advanced Materials for Electronics and Photonics
 Convergent Research of Electronics, Device & Materials
Research of 
Smart Display & Soft Electronics

We do study convergent research of

Smart Phonics, Sensors, Display, Semicoductor

using Soft Electronics.

Stretchable Deformable.png
Stretchable & Deformable
Haptic & Smart
Soft Robot2.png
 Organic Laser
Pixel Array Laser

News & Notice

  • Congratulation !  A piece of CSS Lab research, "Color-Tuning Mechanism of Electrically Stretchable Photonic Organogels (Adv. Sci. 25/2022)"             is now published as one of cover papers in Advanced Science (Volume 9 Issue 25 in 2022).                                                                                                    [Inside Back Cover Image Paper] 

  • Congratulation !  A piece of CSS Lab research, "Transmittance-Tunable Chiral Smart Window" was published as Cover Image Paper in Optical Materials Express.   [Cover Image Paper]

  • CSS-LAB starts Perovskite Chiral Laser Research with massive support from SAMSUNG Future Technology Center  

        Further Information

         삼성미래기술육성사업, AI·암호 시스템 등 미래 유망기술 분야 연구 지원 – Samsung Newsroom Korea

         삼성전자, AI·로봇 등 미래 기술연구 12개 과제에 152억원 지원 | 연합뉴스 (

  • CSS-LAB joins Rollable Display Development over next 4 years

  • CSS-LAB Joins Transmittance Controllable Functional Film Technology for Transparent Display & Smart Window over next 4 years 

  • Prof. CHOI  Works as Technical PGM Chiar of

       Topic : 11. Intelligent System for Interactive Display in International Meeting on Information Display (IMID 2021). 

  • CSS-LAB joins Stretchable Display Development over next 5 years

      Further information :  &

  • CSS-LAB joins Printing Display integrated Antenna Development over next 4 years

  • Prof. S. S. Choi gives an invited talk with title of "Tunable, Deformable, Stretchable and Emitting Chiral Photonic Structure" @ IMID 2020

  • Jun-Hyuk Shin and Su-An Lee present their researches on deformable and stretchable display @ IMID 2020


 [Invitation of Post Doctor (Ph.D) : 1~2 ] 

  •   Research Field   

        - Chiral Liquid Crystals and Chiral Laser 

         -  Wavelength Tunable Photonics 

          - Soft Actuator (DEA and Frerro Polymer)   

          - Stretchable Electronics    

          - Perovskite Device & Materials


  •  Candidate should have strong research publications record

  •  Please send Full CV with Your Research proposal 

  •  Competitive Salary  can be considerable  depending on the candidate potential

[2] 대학원생 지원을 환영합니다 (PhD., Master Candidates TO <3명)

Openings for Master / Ph.D candidates and R.A undergraduate students in Center of Smart Display & Emerging Device with Soft Electronics. For details, please refer tab of 'Open Positions' who are interested in joining us please contact us though email with your brief C.V and research proposal.

Contact :


82-(0)54-279-2228   |

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Center of Smart Display & Soft Electronics

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